The question on the church’s minds, but the enemy has created confusion to throw off the Christians and sent his religious spirits into the churches to wreak havoc. Many pastors will tell you certain things have to happen first like the building of the temple and other things like the spreading of the Gospel–HOWEVER–those are signs for the “Second Coming” that happens at the end of the 7-year tribulation. The “Rapture” is a meeting in the air to JESUS, not a coming of JESUS to the earth (when HE sets HIS foot on the Mount of Olives). The rapture event is merely one of the many other signs leading up to the Second Coming. In fact, the Bride of CHRIST has to leave out in rapture in order to return WITH JESUS at the Second Coming event.

Because Rapture could happen at any moment from this time forward–especially with all the signs of the Second Coming coming to pass. Also GOD set it up this way to watch (look up all the scriptures that say to watch in the Bible–not to ignore watching) because this is the darkest time in human history we are coming into and people are dying daily in their sins. THE SAME EXACT CRITERIA THAT SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE READY FOR RAPTURE IS EXACTLY WHAT ANYONE NEEDS SHOULD THEY BE FOUND STANDING BEFORE THE LORD GIVING AN ACCOUNT OF THEIR LIFE SUDDENLY, whether through rapture or even unexpectedly like accidents, disasters, etc. Read the papers, news–plenty of people are even now giving an account to GOD in the next life of their lives daily and unexpectedly. Consider this scripture:

2 Timothy 4:8 says, “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day–and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

There is a CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS for the longing of the appearing of JESUS CHRIST. WHY RIGHTEOUSNESS? Because ANYONE who is WATCHING and believing that the Rapture (aka: meeting of JESUS in the air) could happen at ANY MOMENT–then you would be PREPARING YOUR ROBES IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. If you think you are getting ready to go–you would be getting ready to go….If you think certain things have to happen first, like a temple being built, then no you have all the time in the world to kick back and be like Lot’s wife–Remember Lot’s wife?

There will be so many left behind and caught off guard. WHY? I’m afraid because they believed wrongly the religious spirits advising them, don’t think about that right now, you have plenty of time…..

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