We have all been deceived…

We cling to our TVs, movies, hobbies, and worldly pursuits like they are gold. We have filled our days with the “inferior” and have only left tiny openings of our lives to the “superior.” We’ve had the wool pulled over our eyes big time.

We think the things of this world are so wonderful, futuristic, “ahead of its time” and at the same time we have classified GOD as a “has been” old guy who looks like someone’s Great Grandpa. In reality, we live in a cursed, dying, and decaying world but not GOD, who is eternal and unchanging.

We’ve been royally fooled by the master deceiver. We pursue the technology and creations of men as if men are gods over their own destiny. We have been duped. We look at the buildings, inventions, and creations of men and worship these things like they are unparalleled.

We are trading the pursuit of the works of our own CREATOR for that of the creation. We marvel at robots and forget that GOD created humans…we go crazy over the latest aircraft and forget GOD Created all the winged living breathing creatures in their incredible complexity. We absorb all our time reading the writings of humans and make no time for the Book that is GOD-Breathed and Inspired—the Bible. We fill our days listening to every humanistic view on the TV, radio, and Internet—and we never make time to commune and talk to our own CREATOR—although HE Calls us to HIMSELF and makes it known that HE listens, cares, and amazingly desires our company.

We say there is no time for GOD—what a shame…

We MUST make time for GOD—HE Created us for HIS Pleasure. If you don’t figure this out really quickly—you are going to find yourself outside of the access to your own CREATOR, MAKER for ALL eternity.

This is radical: STOP being deceived! Turn off your TVs. Stop wasting time on going to movies. Quit throwing yourself into your hobbies and worldly pursuits. Instead, give your life to GOD…give HIM your most precious commodities: your soul and your time. Spend your time getting to know GOD: talk to HIM (prayer) and read HIS Book (the Bible). You won’t regret it. You will regret not doing this—I guarantee it.

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