The message of CHRIST is SHOCKING when you first come onto the TRUTH…it is the renewing of the mind…
…That you live in a world that is fallen–the whole world moves in opposition to GOD WHO created you…
…There is NO ONE who is good–only the FATHER in Heaven–you have never actually been good…
…The LORD is returning soon and you don’t get to put off “finding the LORD until the last moment” like you thought…
…Your lukewarm church pastor is not telling you the whole truth–and you can’t trust him to lead you to all the truth either…
…You need a REAL relationship with the LORD–and attending church once or twice a week is not adequate like you have always been deceived to believe…
…You have been lied to in school about evolution of humans and the actual age of the earth and how the earth came into being…
…There are actually demons behind the scenes infiltrating your life and using others around you to infiltrate your life and not for your benefit…
…MOST people will shun you when you do what GOD wants–to pursue HIM with all your mind, heart, soul, strength…
…The world teaches you to be independent and focus on amassing money–position–and wealth from Preschool through Doctorate–but the ONE WHO calls the shots in the end doesn’t care about any of that–HE says lay it all down and follow HIM…
…there is a hell–and it is your worst nightmare…
…there is a heaven–and few find it…
…you have been doing whatever you wanted to do–and you have been wrong your whole life and out of the Will of your CREATOR…
…All the charities you have donated to and all the good works you think you have done don’t amount to anything if you aren’t fully surrendered to CHRIST and in the Will of the FATHER…
…you have been living a life of fear–and by after turning your life over to GOD you did not need to live like that…
…you need to be “child-like” to please the ONE WHO really matters and all this time you were trying to be “grown-up”…
…you’ve been living life alone–when you were never meant to live this life alone without GOD and HIS guidance…
…your own personal plans for the future conceived before you found GOD are the worst thing for you…
…the people around you who you love need to be Saved from themselves too…
…you have been focused on TV–movies–secular materials–when the one book you should have been reading was on the lowest shelf in the bookcase collecting dust…
…you have wasted most of your life pursuing the wrong person–Satan–when you should have been running after your CREATOR…
…you thought you had it all together…but you will be held accountable for everything you have said against GOD if you don’t turn to HIM right away…
…you thought you were pursuing the American Dream for yourself–but it will soon be the American Nightmare if you don’t find GOD…
…prosperity gospel isn’t gospel at all–it is a well-engineered trap of your enemy.
…all the money in your bank and all the material wealth you possess won’t buy you one hour in heaven, if you’ve only been focused on amassing money.

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