If there was anything we need to pray for right now it would be “discernment” because the world is full of confusion, false teachings, and evil interpretations of the Bible. We need it like never before. When the experts look for counterfeit money, they don’t study all the counterfeits, they study the actual currency so they know when they see the fake. That is exactly why we need to be in our Bibles because we need to recognize the true words and interpretations of the Bible when they come our way. To really understand the Word of GOD, we need the eyes of the HOLY SPIRIT to help us and so we need to pray that HE would fill us by surrender to JESUS CHRIST’S sacrifice on the cross to make HIM our LORD and MASTER as well to surrender to the Will of the FATHER. You see the enemy will do whatever it takes to get you away from the WORD of GOD because he doesn’t want you to know the truth about the many ways he is deceiving you about this life and GOD. So to overcome all the distractions that he throws at you, you need to be disciplined, because you are a disciple of CHRIST and you need to be committed to staying in the Word no matter what it takes. Here is a video about getting over the hurdles of Bible reading. 

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