CHRIST was crushed at the crucifixion for our sin. Psalm 22:6-27 (KJV): But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.
Hence the symbolism of the:

“Grapes”—the wine of grapes is released when they are crushed! CHRIST turned water to wine and took communion at the Last Supper with wine and bread. Clearly the wine in communion represents the Blood of CHRIST produced by crushing.

“Myrrh”–Symbolic CRUSHING of CHRIST is seen in “Myrrh”—We see Myrrh at the time of the Wise Men bringing gifts to the Baby JESUS and Nicodemus who we see bringing myrrh and aloes to the burial of CHRIST. Interestingly, the fragrance of myrrh is released when it is crushed! When people harvest myrrh, they wound the trees repeatedly to bleed them of the gum. Obviously no coincidence that it takes crushing to produce fragrance from myrrh as the fragrance of JESUS crushing was beautiful sacrifice to GOD the FATHER—the fragrance of salvation. It was so valuable in ancient times it was, at times, equal in weight value to gold. Amazingly, the myrrh plant has large thorns as well. No accident there.

“Frankincense”–Symbolic CRUSHING of CHRIST is seen in “Frankincense” which was also given to the Baby JESUS by the three Magi as a gift. Frankincense is tapped from the trees by slashing the bark, which is called stripping, and allowing the exuded resin to bleed out and harden.

“Blue Thread Dye”–of the tsitsit (Numbers 15:37-40) or prayer shawls were ordered by GOD to Moses to make fringes in the corners of their garments and to attache a blue thread of tekhelet on the fringe of each corner as a remembrance to follow the commandments of the LORD and to pursue holiness.
The blue thread had to be from dye from a snail that was quite expensive and the snail had to be CRUSHED while it was alive to produce the dye which was commanded by GOD to Moses in Numbers to have a blue thread to represent righteousness.
Purple dye for Royal robes required 12,000 shellfish to be crushed to make 1.5 grams of pure purple dye all the way back to ancient city of Tyre about 1600 BC, where these mollusks were in piles to produce the valuable dye. Why so valuable? It was a color hard to come by so it was a major fashion statement to royalty in Egypt, Rome, Phoenicians, and Persians. It puts a new twist on the purple seller Lydia in the Bible whose heart was opened by GOD to receive the message of the Apostle Paul. But for GOD to open Lydia’s heart was much more valuable than the rare purple dye she sold. We also see the purple robe put on JESUS at the time of HIS crucifixion wearing the symbol of crushed shellfish and royalty both.
Isaiah 1:18 states, “Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD; though your sins be as scarlet (Hebrew shani), they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson (Hebrew tolaath – worm), they shall be as wool.”

The Hebrew word “tolaath” refers to the worm from which the color crimson or red is obtained. The other Hebrew word “shani” is the product (red dye) which comes forth from the crushed eggs of this worm-like creature. So the Hebrew word has two meanings: “scarlet” and “worm”. Keep in mind that in Isaiah 1:18 the color red represents “sin” and it also means “worm”!

All these symbolic references in the Bible point to the CRUSHING of CHRIST for the salvation of mankind. Crushing of these items produce the drink wine; beautiful scents; and beautiful dyes symbolic of the beauty resulting from the CRUSHING of JESUS. Even though the scene of CHRIST’s crucifixion is one of utmost horror—it is simultaneously the most beautiful event ever witnessed by humanity…GOD ALMIGHTY exchanges HIS position of power to be crushed to save HIS own creation.


Isaiah 50:6-7 (KJV): I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.

Luke 22:64 (KJV): And when they had blindfolded HIM, they struck HIM on the face, and asked HIM, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote THEE?

Isaiah 52:14 (KJV): As many were astonished at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:

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