A Word from the LORD given to Susan on November 9, 2017 during prayer time: “The childlike will flood the halls of heaven….”

It is childlike faith that is the ultimate way to take on Satan.  It doesn’t seem likely or possible. HOWEVER: think about it, the childlike are the vessels that can hold the most of the HOLY SPIRIT, the full oil lamp Christians.  Childlike, the most willing to receive all that GOD can give.  Those with childlike faith are opposite of the prideful with the spirit of pride, “the strongman,” who stands between the individual and GOD.  Second Corinthians 13:9 says when we are weak, HE is strong: For we are glad, when we are weak, and ye are strong: and this also we wish, even your perfection.  

Who seems weaker than a child, dependent on others?  But we need to repent and lay down our own will, rejecting the curse of self-pride we were born into, and turn our lives over to JESUS, surrender to the Will of the FATHER, and become an empty vessel to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.  

I cannot say it enough, it is the childlike who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Recently a satanist delivered from his past spoke about the goal of Satan to steal the “innocence” away from people to corrupt them…and it makes sense. Those who are filled with pride are typically not childlike and pride is the very thing that caused Satan to fall…

It doesn’t matter how many doctorates of theology you hold or how many Christian books you’ve published or if you are the executive of the Board of the biggest church in the country–if you don’t have childlike faith–you might as well get a match and burn your diploma…what good will it all do if you can’t enter into the Kingdom of Heaven?….You will say, Lord, Lord didn’t we build palatial buildings in THY Name….and didn’t we raise millions of dollars in THY Name….and didn’t we fill stadiums in THY Name….and JESUS will say–depart from ME, ye workers of iniquity–I didn’t know you as a little child knows its parent….

Matthew 18:3 (KJV): And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.


This teaching What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You—Part 4 focuses on the topic “childlike faith.” It is interesting to note that even our GOD, CHRIST chose to become as a child while on the earth and to be parented by HIS OWN creation! How much more should we the creation accept the leadership of our GOD as children—which is GOD’s mandate to entering into the Kingdom of Heaven—what is it about the characteristics of a child that we need to adopt so that we can be nearer to GOD? Watch this youtube and find out! 

What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You Part 4 Youtube: What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You Part 4 Susan Davis

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