Shopping for an end times church… (Informational Video Links Included)

In Revelation 2 & 3 JESUS shows us that six out of seven churches are in trouble. That means only one in seven churches JESUS indicates is in the right place, so the majority of the churches today would be off base, no matter what they say and you think….

Most people see a church that looks like it has it all together by the appearance of the building, the programs run, and the overall “packaging” of the church. However, don’t be deceived in this late hour–most churches preach a “partial” CHRIST–or a “sorta-kinda” CHRIST… They just do not want “all” of CHRIST. Most churches, mainstream and new age, want to focus on certain aspects of CHRIST and not others. I have found this to be true in ALL of my church experiences. I have been to churches that had great worship and liked to promote spiritual gifts but would not say a word about end times. Then I have been to churches that were studying Revelations and end times but would not discuss the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT at all. And another church I went to was big on worship but also big on worldly prosperity….

So here is a basic check list of things that CHRIST is big on ALL THE TIME:

1: Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT (and the manifestations of the HOLY SPIRIT that follow through spiritual giftings) (WATCH: What the Lukewarm Church won’t Teach You, Part 1:

The Power of the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT: (1) The Power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit – The Power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

2: Fear of GOD (the beginning of understanding); repentance; hell is real (WATCH: What the Lukewarm Church won’t Teach You, Part 1:

The Fear of GOD: The Beginning of Closeness to GOD: (1) The Fear of God: The Beginning of closeness to God The Fear of God: The Beginning of closeness to God

3: Outreach (promoting CHRIST to other people)

4: End Times (seeing the signs and knowing the hour)
(WATCH: What the Lukewarm Church won’t Teach You, Part 5: What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You – Part 5

50 Reasons Why We are Living in the End Times, Part 1: (1) 50 Reasons We are Living in the End Times – Part One – 50 Reasons We are Living in the End Times – Part One

50 Reasons We are Living in the End Times, Part 2: (1) 50 Reasons We are Living in the End Times – Part Two – 50 Reasons We are Living in the End Times – Part Two

5: Holiness (Surrendering to the Will of the FATHER; spot- and wrinkle-free garments; being sanctified):

What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You, Part 6: (1) What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You Part 6 – Susan Davis – What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You Part 6 – Susan Davis

6: Understanding the Bible through the eyes of the HOLY SPIRIT (WATCH: What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You, Part 1: What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You – Part 1 – Susan Davis

How the HOLY SPIRIT Teaches: (1) How the Holy Spirit Teaches – How the Holy Spirit Teaches

7: Deliverance ministry (casting out demons by the power of CHRIST) (WATCH: What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You, Part 2: What the Lukewarm Church Won’t Teach You Part 2 Susan Davis

The Most Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers: (1) THE Most POWERFUL Spiritual Warfare Prayers you will ever Hear include 3 POWERFUL Ingredients! – THE Most POWERFUL Spiritual Warfare Prayers you will ever Hear include 3 POWERFUL Ingredients!

8: Intimacy with GOD: FATHER; SON; HOLY SPIRIT (being the bride of CHRIST: knowing CHRIST vs. “I never knew you”) How to Be a Friend of GOD: (1) How to be a Friend of God with Susan Davis – How to be a Friend of God with Susan Davis

Intimacy with GOD, Part 1: (1) Intimacy with God – Part 1 With Susan Davis How to be a Friend of God – Intimacy with God – Part 1 With Susan Davis How to be a Friend of God

Intimacy with GOD, Part Divine Encounters with God

Intimacy with GOD, Part 3: (1) Intimacy with God – Part Three – Intimacy with God – Part Three

Intimacy with GOD, Part 4:

Divine Encounters with GOD: (1) Divine Encounters with God –

9: Healing (GOD is still in the healing business: wholeness of body; spirit) Gift of Healing: (1) Spiritual Gifts & their Purpose-Words of Wisdom, Knowledge, Healing, Dream Interpretation & Faith-Part 6 – Spiritual Gifts & their Purpose-Words of Wisdom,Knowledge,Healing,Dream Interpretation &Faith-Part 6

Here is what to watch out for:
If the church has a problem with anything on the list above: A Lukewarm Church Won’t Stand in these End Days: (1) A Lukewarm Church won’t Stand in these End Days-Find out What they are not teaching & be prepared – A Lukewarm Church won’t Stand in these End Days-Find out What they are not teaching & be prepared

You might not find a single church that wants “ALL” of CHRIST because here is the problem: Matthew 7:14 (KJV): Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


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