If you are willing—pray with me today:
LORD: I repent of being lukewarm—and chasing after worldly “emptiness.”
I repent of having a “lackluster” faith
I repent for trusting in the pursuit of the world’s answers for my life instead of GOD’s Will for my life
I repent for giving my precious GOD-given time to the world instead of MY MAKER WHO gives me my every breath and determines my eternal outcome.
I repent for lusting after the temporal thrill of the world in lieu of pursuing an intimate relationship with my MAKER
I repent for being in the Will of the enemy instead of walking in the Will of the Divine.
I repent for arrogantly doing good outside of the Divine Will of GOD and thinking my will is best.
I repent for denying the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT to enter MY LIFE so that I can walk in the WILL of GOD and to conquer sin and pursue holiness.
LORD: I want to be in your DIVINE WILL and not my own
I want to possess your HOLY SPIRIT in FULL MEASURE
I want to have a FULL OIL LAMP so that when you return for your bride you will see me
I want to pursue holiness and walk in truth
I want to find and stay on the narrow path that few find
I want to be assured a place with you for all eternity
I want to know CHRIST as an intimate friend
I want to experience mental wholeness and stability and live in peace with my MAKER
I open my heart up to you LORD JESUS—be my ALL in All…And ALL GOD’s People say AMEN!

(Originally I wrote this prayer for an Intimacy with GOD Retreat, I believe the HOLY SPIRIT gave it to me)

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