In my weekly effort to prepare for our END TIMES NEWS REPORT Show, I am shocked by the sheer volume and the severity of the crime around the world. It would be impossible to cover it all in one show. It wasn’t so long ago, even two or three decades ago, a single heinous crime committed might be so shocking to be discussed for years through documentaries, books, news reports, and movies. Today, such a crime is almost a daily event, forgotten about within a day or two of its report. Reports of such crimes today barely elicit a whimper or a sigh from people because gross crime has become so prevalent everywhere. People have become numb to such events, even their hearts have waxed cold, ice cold.
If this isn’t a clear-cut sign of these end times, I’m not sure what would be. People are no longer outraged over grotesque violence because that is the very thing they use for entertainment. They can no longer seem to separate what is real life and what is fantasy in their minds. The line has become blurred. But it is a SUPER SIGN of the LORD’s return because once again the Bible has nailed foretelling that men’s hearts would wax cold in these last days—and the target has been over-shot because men’s hearts are now ice cold.
When you think of some of the worse crimes you have heard of recently, you might be shocked or outraged. But the question is if you aren’t fully surrendered to JESUS CHRIST acknowledging HIS work on the cross, repentant and exchanging your will for the Will of the FATHER, did you know that even your little white lies puts you in league with the one who is in charge of the grossest criminal acts? YES! You are absolutely playing on the same team with the one who inspires the most evil acts on earth if you have not laid your life down at the feet of JESUS. That’s right, you are working against the Kingdom of GOD until you walk away from the one who inspires the kind of evil you don’t like to think about. You need to wake up to this reality and jump ship, change seats, and stop playing with fire. Time is short, don’t get caught playing on the wrong team.

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