After you repent of your sin (daily)…surrender your all to CHRIST…make HIM your LORD and MASTER…forgive everyone (yes everyone)…ask to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT…pray to be in the Will of the FATHER (and not your will which is used for the benefit of the devil)…pursue GOD daily as your Best Friend–THEN, YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY–THE KINGDOM OF GOD. It’s like you can take up residence in the Royal Mansion of GOD–you have ALL rights to the Kingdom of GOD. But when you come into the mansion–you are perfected by the Blood of CHRIST (not your power lest you boast), however you will need to be shown by the leadership of the HOLY SPIRIT the rules and regulations of being a member of the Royal Family while residing in the Royal Mansion…The HOLY SPIRIT starts to show you your “heathen” ways and instructs you in the “protocol” of the Kingdom and sanctifies you. You will need to read the Guidebook daily (which is the Bible) about your new lifestyle. You will mess up while you are in the mansion–you may put your feet on the table or revert back to your old ways outside of the mansion…but when you are inside the mansion you have “grace” and the HOLY SPIRIT will help you…In order to live in the Royal mansion and to receive instruction and grace you will need to leave “self” at the front door before you come in…only the fully surrendered self-less can enter into the Royal Mansion but living in the Royal Mansion will bring you peace under its shelter, WHO is CHRIST…

Psalm 119:114 KJV: THOU art my HIDING PLACE and my SHIELD: I hope in THY word.

Psalm 91:1-4 (KJV): He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most HIGH shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. 2 I will say of the LORD, HE is my REFUGE and my FORTRESS: my GOD; in HIM will I trust. 3 Surely HE shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 HE shall cover thee with HIS feathers, and under HIS wings shalt thou trust: HIS truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 


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