JOHN 10:4: And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.

You might think the scripture is focusing on prophecy and hearing GOD’s voice audibly–but it’s also true of knowing the voice of the LORD through knowing who HE is and what HE represents. You’ve got to know HIS voice when you read content about HIM, when you hear sermons, when you watch Christian movies, and on and on. For instance, if a church says there will be no rapture–that is NOT HIS VOICE. So how will the sheep know HIS voice? Well we aren’t called disciples of CHRIST for nothing. The word disciple is derived from the word DISCIPLINE. And to be disciplined as disciples we must know how to be disciplined and one way for sure is to read the Bible and to be washed in the word–cleaned up by reading and learning how we need to get the world’s thinking out of our system. MOST people struggle with the Bible–but discipline like anything that requires discipline will have an impact and here are some thoughts on Bible study plus a couple videos to help you overcome the enemy’s attack on your essential pursuit of hearing the LORD’s voice:

If you find reading the Bible a drudge–you aren’t the only one–Satan wants you to dump it and to do anything else but that–he wants you far away from the Bible because it’s a loaded weapon that can do a lot of damage in the Kingdom of darkness….so let’s get you over the hump on the Bible:

1. I like King James myself, but realistically the Old English is a turn off to new readers–so I am not opposed to later translations that are easier for you to understand. If you stay with it you can grow into other versions like King James. BUT later translations have issues with the meaning changing. It’s a fact.

2. If the type is too tiny–get a bigger font size–don’t let that keep you from reading.

3. LESS IS MORE: some people think they have to read a bunch of chapters in one sitting–well all you end up doing is just reading and not comprehending–commit to reading three chapters a day and read more slowly for understanding.

4. If there is a chapter that is hard to understand, you can read it two or three times. It will become clearer in most cases.

5. Be regimented about reading your Bible–if you skip one day okay, but then one day flows into two and three and before you know it you aren’t reading any more….you are a disciple and that word comes from the word discipline–so true followers have to be disciplined and the Bible is your chief guidebook so turn off the TV, movies, other books and make reading it a daily commitment.

6. If you struggle with content because you just don’t get it–I recommend to get your feet wet to start with the stories in the Bible so that you can become accustom to reading everyday: so here are some great beginner books of the Bible to start with: the four Gospels: MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, & JOHN. Esther is an awesome storybook; so is Ruth; Genesis and Exodus also very good reading. You will like Jonah and Nehemiah also.

7. Get yourself a good Electronic app to put on your electronic devises so that you can read when you are waiting for appointments or out to lunch.

8. Audio Bibles are okay but reading is really the Best. There is something about the printed word that you can’t get from the audio. Reading enables you to study more in-depth. Do both.

9. Bible commentaries really bother me–they are often written by lukewarm writers who are using interpretations of men and not the HOLY SPIRIT….I avoid them.

10. So the LAST POINT on this list is the most IMPORTANT–surrender your life FULLY to the LORD, repent daily and pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to OPEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF HIS BOOK UP TO YOU. Pray for this before you read and let the HOLY SPIRIT amaze you.

PS: A yellow crayon makes a great highlighter because it doesn’t bleed through the pages…..

When it comes to experts spotting counterfeit money, they don’t study all the fakes, they become expert at knowing the authentic money. The same concept works when it comes to the Bible and Bible knowledge. If we devote time to studying the Bible we can:

Recognize fake doctrines

Recognize false prophets

Recognize false churches and cults

See the traps of the enemy

See the lies being said about us as followers of CHRIST by the enemy

Be prepared for what lies ahead in a dark world

Live without fear and be confident in GOD in a dying world

Recognize the plans of the enemy

See why the world is an enmity with GOD and what to do about it

Discern the times and be ready when the LORD returns for the church.


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