I think for those who love the LORD you would be happy to know that when CHRIST thinks of you HE sees you as an eternal being–and the relationship that HE desires with you is eternal–Eternity is hard to fathom–I once saw a “bowling-ball-size” glass ball holding sand and it represented one million grains of sand (wow who figured that out right?) well can you imagine if ALL the sand on earth represented a measure of time and that is STILL NOT ENOUGH sand to represent “eternity.” We just can’t wrap our brains around it–even so, I get really frustrated with people who spend more time planning a two-week vacation then contemplating what their eternal outcome will be…but consider this: the HOLY SPIRIT is represented by a dove and the LORD had me look up the characteristics of a dove and one of its key characters is that it mates for life–when it selects a partner the male stays with that partner for its whole lifetime unlike other animals–not only that–the Bald Eagle that represents CHRIST has the same unique characteristic meaning that CHRIST’s love for HIS church–the bride is eternal–unending–forever and one of many HIS many Names CHRIST told me is “HAPPILY EVER AFTER…”
Marriage Supper of the Lamb Ministries