The message of urgency of the LORD’s return is a NO-LOSE proposition….

So many people tell me they attend churches where the church pastors NEVER talk about end times, prophecy, rapture, let alone the urgency of the message. NOT talking about these topics and the urgency of the message is A TOTAL LOSE proposition. The numbers of people around the world who have been taken out unexpectedly through disasters like landslides, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, cyclones, car accidents, shootings, calamity, heart attacks, strokes, sudden deaths have increased exponentially because we are in the birth pains leading to tribulation that is only going to increase. Oh, and by the way—the LORD can now return at any moment.

So, what is the opposite of urgency in preparing for the return of the LORD? It is complacency and focus on being comfortable in a world that has dreamed up many false possibilities of the future apart from the written Word of GOD.

Those who preach, teach, warn about urgency of being RAPTURE READY have A NO-LOSE position. WHY? Because URGENCY of the message means BEING READY RIGHT NOW—putting the individual at the edge of their seat watching for the LORD. Many, many ministries don’t like this: saying people will be disappointed when nothing happens—THIS IS THE BIGGEST LIE FROM THE DEVIL. WHY? Because being RAPTURE READY is the EXACT SAME THING you need to be ready for ANY UNEXPECTED REASON someone might be finding themselves standing before the LORD giving an account of their life, ready or not…

The other reason being RAPTURE READY is a NO-LOSE proposition—the exact moment someone pursues the “rapture ready” pursuit is the moment their heart seeks to be in right-standing with GOD and TRUE LIFE begins IN THIS LIFE.

RAPTURE READY URGENCY puts the individual in the SAFEEST PLACE in this life apart from the enemy who is coming after all those who are complacent about GOD and looking back like Lot’s wife.

Don’t fall for the church that ignores, disregards, refuses to preach, teach, warn about the subject matters of end times, prophecy, and rapture because they have chosen to please the people and not GOD and are pandering to people who love the world.

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