Ephesians 6:11 (KJV): Put on the whole armour of GOD, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

I had been praying the prayer of the Armor of GOD found in Ephesians 6:11-17, which is about putting on the armor of GOD. Well one day during my prayer time of praying about putting on the armor of GOD, the LORD gave me an amazing vision that I know I am to share.

While praying about the armor of GOD, I had a thought come to mind, I remembered from a time before that someone had told me: the more we draw close to the LORD through things like worship, prayer, studying and reading our Bibles the more we equip our angels to fight for us in the unseen realm against the powers, principalities, and rulers of the darkness of this world (referred to in Ephesians 6:12). (You can also read about this same thing in Daniel 10:12-13 where Daniel prayed to GOD but the angel Gabriel said he had to seek help from the angel Michael to ward off the enemy so that GOD’s Message could get through to Daniel.)

Right after this thought came to mind, I received the most amazing vision: the LORD showed me several angels who looked just like men of light. They looked extremely serious like they were in a locker room putting on their football uniforms before the big game. But these angels of light were not putting on football gear they were purposefully strapping on armor. I saw one sitting down and strapping on foot gear while another was standing up and putting on upper body armor. In my spirit, I could also hear the clanking of metal. But one thing I noticed was that these angels were showing great determination about what they were doing like they were gearing up to go into a battle. Please take from this vision the importance of equipping yourself with the armor of GOD frequently.

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