Hebrews 12:14 (KJV): Follow peace with all men, and HOLINESS, WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD:
People give “holiness” a bad rap. People who want to pursue holiness in the past have been called “holy rollers” even by church-goers who think that form of Christianity is “extreme.” Only our Great Grandparents pursued “holiness” in their churches and all that is out-moded once the mega-churches found “grace”…. Well holiness hasn’t gone anywhere because it is the characteristic of GOD WHO IS HOLY…. And “grace” is only for those who actually pursue “holiness” and are surrendered to the Will of the FATHER–through the salvation offered by CHRIST and by the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO fills the individual who asks for that filling after repenting and surrendering. The mega-lukewarm church doesn’t get grace because if anyone suddenly meets GOD unexpectedly they would be “spit out” by CHRIST in their lukewarm condition and so that isn’t grace–that is called “rebellion.” But still, the lukewarm church never talks “holiness” because they believe it is unattainable. They are partially right–it is unattainable in a lukewarm faith that attempts to deal with sin in the flesh…Today’s churches are “fleshly”. They don’t believe anyone can truly be delivered from pornography, addictions, adultery, stealing, and on and on. Why? Because the lukewarm church is run by demons–the Religious Spirits (the same ones JESUS dealt with when HE was on the earth)–and the LAST thing they want people to do is to really become “OVERCOMERS.” They want people to keep trying to ditch their bad habits and sinful nature through the flesh–self-will–“self”–when only GOD can deliver the person from their sinful nature–only GOD can pull the person free from their addictions, mental illnesses, anger issues, violent temperaments, and sins of lust. The religious spirits go running when people talk about the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT over sin through HOLINESS….And when the person is delivered from addictions and sinful habits it’s not because the person got control of himself–it is because the HOLY SPIRIT got control….NO ONE gets the credit–not the church–not the church doctrine–not the pastor–not the congregation–not the individual–ONLY GOD….don’t be deceived in these end times–holiness is alive and well….