Why the devil likes the lukewarm church:

-It’s trickier than the satanic cult because at least you know there what you are getting into right up front…

-When unchurched or secular people go to any church–they think it’s all good regardless of doctrines–a church is a church is a church–but the devil cleverly is leading them to be spit out if it’s a lukewarm church…

-The religious spirit that operates in the lukewarm church gets more people to hate church and to walk away with a bad taste in their mouths toward GOD.

-The lukewarm church that has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof refuses to operate with the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT and more people are frustrated with their inability to conquer sin because they are trying to handle it in their own power apart from the HOLY SPIRIT. The lukewarm church is the powerless pretend church that sends the discouraged sinners back into the arms of the devil time and time again.

-Because the lukewarm churches’ version of GOD is so watered down and lukewarm, they have created for themselves a false god of their own making which is really satan and they are nothing

more than idol worshippers.

-The devil loves the way the lukewarm church packages itself as a Christian country club–just one of the many activities of the life of Christian on par with work; school and other activities–GOD is not presented as someone you commune with all day–all week and WHO REQUIRES an intimate relationship with each person.

-The devil loves the lukewarm church that steers totally clear of deliverance ministry–One-third of CHRIST’s ministry was about deliverance and HE regularly spoke of it–but the devil loves the church that won’t even talk about such things.

-The devil loves the lukewarm church that never talks about fear of GOD as the beginning of understanding: consequently, the church is all about what tickles their ears

-Why the devil loves the lukewarm church that rarely talks about the concept of holiness…what in the world is holiness? Holiness? Isn’t that something they practiced in the 1800s….before there were cars and TVs…

-Why the devil loves the lukewarm church–because they NEVER mention hell, fire, or brimstone: wow you can’t have people getting freaked out–they might repent and find true salvation.

-Why the devil loves the lukewarm church–don’t talk about end times: that does not coincide with building bigger churches and amassing bigger salaries…

-Why the devil loves the lukewarm church–because it is the stained-glass gateway to the broad road to hell where those who enter are caught up in the traditions of men and very FEW escape to find the narrow way out… https://www.facebook.com/lukewarmchurch

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