Are you frustrated because you have lost loved ones? Well if you are close to the LORD, looking for rapture, knowing it’s close, then you will have people in your life who you know are not paying attention. Some of you may even be ready to throw in the towel on the whole thing because you have been met with so much resistance to what seems so obvious to you. Well don’t get discouraged. The only reason you can see what’s going on, that rapture is closing in and the world is being taken over by evil, is it’s a “gift.” GOD has given you eyes to see or you too, would be in the dark. So, you may be the ONLY one praying for certain people GOD has in your life, either your family or friends or acquaintances even your own children perhaps.
Well DON’T give up the ship just yet. All is not lost–remember nothing is impossible for GOD. You are partnering with the GREATEST FORCE in the universe: FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. And that’s exactly what it is: a partnership. GOD has chosen you to partner with on behalf of your lost family and friends. The enemy may seem to have people blinded, but you work with the SCALE-REMOVER, JESUS CHRIST.
It’s IMPORTANT to remember YOU CAN’T SAVE ANYONE–only GOD can do it. But, you can plant seeds. Sometimes we need to just get out of GOD’s way, and pray in the background, other times we need to pray for opportunity to speak–and mostly we need to live our lives before others with integrity. Sometimes that’s the most important thing to demonstrate a no-compromise life.
Prayer is a powerful tool in the world of demonic. But I’ve seen prayers answered in amazing ways–sometimes immediately sometimes over time.
When it comes to your children: the best thing you can do for them is dedicate your life to the LORD–surrender everything to HIM–your will in exchange for the Will of the FATHER. Next, dedicate your child to GOD, put that child under the watch of GOD. And then pray continually and watch GOD go to work.
When it comes to others, the adults in your life, it’s really important to begin to speak in the positive and not the negative because LIFE IS IN THE TONGUE–literally. You’ve got to get away from speaking death over people–and start talking about them as one day being with the LORD, and how they ARE going to be saved. Thank GOD now for the salvation of your lost loved ones and how grateful you are that HE WILL SAVE THEM. You have got to break out of the death mode of speaking death over people and circumstances. We all do it. But we have to change our behaviors and not give the enemy a toe hold. Our words can bring cursings on others and ourselves–be careful in saying things like, he will never amount to anything, or she is a lost cause…. STOP IT. See your loved ones as GOD sees them as salvageable and redeemable. Okay, let’s go out there and get the job done–we have little time left–get on your knees, forgive, pray, love, thank GOD for the miracles HE is about to perform.
Watch our JESUS 24/7 SHOW episode:
THE Most POWERFUL Spiritual Warfare Prayers you will ever Hear include 3 POWERFUL Ingredients!