People can become Christians and stay Baby Christians their entire life. What is the problem with staying a lifetime baby Christian?

Paul in Hebrews talks about the new believer as on milk like a babe and unskillful in understanding the Bible. Hebrews 5:13 (KJV): For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

In contrast, we can go to Song of Solomon and see the symbolism of the Bride representing the Bride of CHRIST and Solomon who represents CHRIST. So, twice Solomon praises his bride in Song of Solomon 4:2 and Song of Solomon 6:6 as having teeth that are like a flock of sheep that go up from the washing. He’s admiring her smile but symbolically, JESUS is admiring HIS true churches’ teeth that have graduated from nursing on HIS Word like babes and have matured to consuming HIS Word with mature set of teeth. They have moved from infancy in HIS teachings into maturity and for CHRIST this is a beautiful sight: Song of Solomon 6:6 (KJV): Thy teeth are as a flock of sheep which go up from the washing, whereof every one beareth twins, and there is not one barren among them.

JESUS wants HIS people to “MATURE” in HIM, HIS word, HIS HOLY SPIRIT-filled teachings.

If you stay in Christian Infancy your whole life, you are feeding on something besides GOD’s Word that would lead you to full maturity. You are filling the gap not filled by GOD’S TRUTH through maturity with WORLDLY philosophy, vain deceit, after the tradition of men (lukewarm church), after the rudiments of the world (organized religion) and not after CHRIST. Colossians 2:8 (KJV): Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after CHRIST.

If you continue on in your “baby Christian” status you risk losing it all. Why? How? Well, the HOLY SPIRIT would never leave one of HIS own unfed and cared for. GOD would never want you to stagnate on milk to be filled with worldly false understanding. So staying in a state of immaturity would not be from GOD but from HIS enemy who wants you blinded, uneducated, and operating outside of GOD’s sanctification and Spiritual Power.

How can you mature and become more than a baby Christian? You have to surrender WHOLLY to the LORD and be discipled by the HOLY SPIRIT. You have to want it and pursue it. Faith without works are dead. It’s meaningless to only believe, you must be disciplined in the word to be a disciple. If your church perpetuates the belief that the status quo is fine they are doing you no favors and you need to leave and pray for direction. To be a career baby Christian, is to be lukewarm and stagnant.

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