Two days in a row in prayer the LORD brought my attention to the story in Exodus 32:1-7 and you would know it as when Moses was on the mountain seeking GOD, his brother Aaron was below with the Israelites in the wilderness collecting gold from the people to create a golden calf to represent GOD for the purpose of worship (and partying). Now here’s the amazing thing, I have this story on my mind for two days, and then I was talking to my husband about something totally unrelated and I just happened to ask him about the Google earth application–and WITH NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF MY CONVERSATION WITH GOD–my husband says let me show you the Google earth “app”–and the first thing he shows me is where researchers believe THE GOLDEN CALF WAS WORSHIPED IN EXODUS!….My mouth dropped and I asked, “Why did you pull that up?”–he said he had been looking at several Biblical sights and that one just happened to come up!

Well NOW I have to give you the important message that GOD gave me about this story: The LORD wants you to know that the false prophets of today are doing just what Aaron did so long ago in the wilderness, they are creating “false gods” to appease the people. Today’s false prophets are creating the versions of GOD that they believe will appease the people. Not the TRUE GOD but versions that tickle the ears of the people with what they want to hear and to cater to their lukewarm desires. And Moses was told by GOD to go down to the people because they had corrupted themselves. And this is the same today–the people have corrupted themselves by loving the false teachings of the false prophets who teach things that are unbiblical and catering to their love of the world. We must focus on GOD and what is important to HIM through HIS Word and a relationship with HIM and not the traditions, whims, and desires of men.

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