1. YOU ARE WASHED BY THE WORD: The Bible says we are washed by the word and what that means is we need to keep reading the Bible to understand the ways we are outside of GOD’s will and we will never know that without reading the whole Bible.

2. RESISTING THE DEVIL: People who watch for counterfeit money don’t study fakes, they study the authentic so they can recognize the phonies. The same applies to the Word of GOD, if we know the Word we can’t be tricked by the enemy into believing things about us that are not true.

3. CASTING DOWN IMAGINATIONS: By studying and knowing the Word of GOD we are able to cast down imaginations that come up because we know the truth about our relationship with the LORD, true or false.

4. BUILD CONFIDENCE: By knowing scripture our faith is built by knowing our relationship to GOD and HIS promises to us, so that fear and torment from the enemy doesn’t rule over us.

5. RECOGNIZING FALSE DOCTRINES: By studying the Word we can spot faulty doctrines and teachings that can trip us up–this is serious–people are tied in knots by false doctrines their whole life.

6. RECOGNIZING FALSE PROPHECIES: If you dig into your Bible you will know who is in line with the Word and who is completely off track. Without the word, deception is riding high, and many are falling into false beliefs sending them off course.

7. URGENCY: The Word of GOD puts urgency into your spirit. It causes you to be on your toes knowing the seriousness of the hour and to always be on guard with your spiritual armour on.

8. RECOGNIZING THE TRAPS LAID: Knowing all the land mines laid for you by the enemy cannot be found without your landmine map: the Bible.

9. REFRESHMENT: The Bible is like going to a lemonade stand on a hot day: it’s full of spiritual refreshment and comfort that helps you get through the day.

10. BOLDNESS: If you don’t know what that book says, you don’t have the confidence you need to share your faith. The enemy will try to throw you off your game if you don’t have your spiritual sword sharpened and you don’t become proficient at handling it.

11. HAVING THE MIND OF CHRIST: How can you have the mind of CHRIST if you don’t know what HE is thinking? Without reading the entire Bible, you cannot really understand where GOD is coming from.

12. YOUR IDENTITY: You cannot truly know who you are apart from understanding who your CREATOR is and why HE created you, your purpose.

13. FUTURES: The world is writing a future that is based on lies from the devil, the real future is written in the Bible, and until you get into it to understand it, you will believe the lie that the world has come up with.

14. LOVING YOUR ENEMIES: If you don’t read the Bible then you will never understand all the people around you and why they act the way they do. The Bible helps you to love what seems impossible to love, but only by reading the Word can you grasp this understanding.

15. PEP TALK: You need the Word of GOD to stay motivated in a dark world.

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