I want to talk about a word the LORD gave me one time in my prayer time. HE told me that most people will not let HIM all the way into the mansion of their hearts. HE used a parable to explain: HE said it was just like when someone comes to visit and if they are someone you don’t know well they are only allowed into your living room but never farther into your house. That is how GOD feels–do you invite HIM into the living room of your heart but no further? HE said there are rooms of HIS children’s hearts that they make completely off limits to HIM: such as the room of hobbies; activities and pursuits outside of GOD. There may be a room marked “personal sin” that GOD is blocked from. But the LORD wants full access to the house of your heart–HE wants to be able to go into the inner sanctum of your heart. What rooms do you block HIM from accessing? Hidden sin? Time spent apart from GOD. The LORD wants to infiltrate your life fully and clean out your heart.

Then to drive the point home after my prayer time, I had gone on the internet within the same hour and an article came up amazingly about why people have trouble selling their houses and one reason given is that when they have people in to show their house some people have certain rooms they refuse for people to look in because they are too cluttered or because they have something hidden and they won’t let anyone else see those rooms. I was amazed because this was exactly the same thing the LORD was discussing with me that same hour…

James 4:8 (KJV): Draw nigh to GOD, and HE will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.

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