One of the reasons we need the filling (full oil lamp–see Matthew 25) of the HOLY SPIRIT is for supernatural confidence in the Word of GOD. When you are supernaturally filled with the HOLY SPIRIT–it is the teaching of the HOLY SPIRIT (not the fallible interpretation of men) in which you really are shown the truth about things like rapture: that it’s pre-tribulation, rapture is true, JESUS is coming soon…When you study the Bible under the direction of the HOLY SPIRIT (by surrendering fully to the Will of the FATHER) then you have full confidence in what you are telling others. If you aren’t sure what to believe because you have only been taught by others who don’t have the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT then you have no confidence in warning others and promoting rapture as real and pre-tribulation because you are not given that supernatural understanding and confidence that follows. This is one of the reasons we need the FULL OIL LAMP to build our confidence to speak more boldly about what the HOLY SPIRIT teaches and that rapture is real and it’s pre-tribulation.

Here is a video we did on just exactly how the HOLY SPIRIT teaches:

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