100 Reasons to Look Forward to the Rapture with CHRIST

Many people, even Christians don’t want to talk to you about the idea that we are in the end times and CHRIST is very close to returning for HIS bride. There are reasons people reject the message that the rapture is coming soon and that CHRIST’s return is near. Here “some” reasons that we Christians, who “long for HIS appearing” are looking upward with excitement and expectancy for what we know is right around the corner.
Maybe those who hate talk of “rapture” should read this list:

1. Out of this body in the Presence of CHRIST
2. Experiencing CHRIST in all HIS FULLNESS and not just in our thoughts.
3. Being reunited with those who have gone before us.
4. Leaving a world that has become grossly evil and unholy—antichrist
5. Pain and suffering will no longer exist
6. CHRIST will wipe the tears away
7. Worry will be behind us
8. We will enter the divine rest promised to us
9. We will know as we are known
10. We will witness the Beauty of GOD
11. We will witness the Beauty of Heaven
12. Evil will not exist
13. We will experience everlasting peace.
14. We will be surrounded by like-minded people fully with the Mind of CHRIST
15. Everyone will be continually prosperous.
16. Hate will not exist.
17. Unforgiveness will not exist.
18. Everything will be in a state of perfection
19. LOVE will rule
20. Satan and demonic powers will not exist
21. Humans will become immortal and death will not exist
22. Humans raptured will never experience death
23. We will meet angelic beings
24. We will meet the saints and characters of the Bible we have read about.
25. GOD will be near us always.
26. We will see GOD enjoying HIS Creation first-hand
27. We will experience a world without stress
28. We will see the creation in a perfect state
29. There will be no bullies or abuse or criminals or prisons
30. The raptured will be forever the bride of CHRIST to rule and reign with HIM forever
31. There will never be thirst or hunger
32. Everything will be pure
33. Lost children will be found
34. No one will wear glasses, prosthetic legs or arms, hearing aids….
35. There will be no fear of the unknown future
36. You will see the lamb lay down with the lion: animals will live together in peace
37. You will be with the LAMB WHO is the LION
38. There will be no language barriers
39. We will experience the greatest party of all time—The Marriage Supper of the LAMB
40. We will eat off the finest table of all time—The Marriage Supper of the LAMB
41. We will see CHRIST in ALL HIS Glory
42. We will be made perfect without flaw
43. We will never get old again
44. There will never be bad weather or disasters
45. We will witness new creations of GOD
46. We will see the New Jerusalem
47. We will live in our new mansions made for us by GOD
48. We will hear GOD singing over us
49. We will hear angels singing
50. We will hear all of Heaven glorifying GOD in song and worship
51. We will understand things we could never understand before
52. There will be no mental health problems and no one will be inferior
53. There will be no culture or color barriers
54. There will be no darkness only light—the LIGHT of GOD
55. The streets will be made of gold—gold will be that common
56. Jewels will be common
57. There will be no gossip or negativity
58. The beauty of earth is only a poor glimpse of the coming beauty of Heaven and the New Jerusalem
59. Sadness and depression will be non-existent
60. We will laugh with GOD
61. We will experience new lovely fragrances; colors; sounds; tastes
62. Everything will be made new
63. There will never be torment or torture, child abuse, violence, or war
64. GOD will maintain the peace
65. There will be no obesity or eating disorders
66. We will never run out of time
67. No one will steal, cheat, or lie
68. Families will not be broken, hearts will not be broken
69. The bride will never be under the rule of the antichrist
70. The bride will never be forced to choose between the Mark of the beast or death
71. You will make new friends
72. You will enjoy the company of GOD endlessly
73. There will be no disease, pestilence, decay, or death
74. There will be no institutions for sick, elderly, or children’s hospitals
75. People will only think good thoughts continuously
76. Everyone will in a state of physical perfection
77. We will know all the details behind the stories of the Bible
78. We will know about Heaven and life in Heaven
79. We will have the Mind of CHRIST
80. We will experience true joy
81. There will be pleasures at the Right hand of GOD for ever more
82. We will see all of GOD’s original creation that have long been extinct from earth
83. We will be cherished by GOD for all eternity
84. We will witness the New Earth and New Heavens created by GOD for us
85. There will be no corrupt governments
86. There will be no evil tyranny or terrorist
87. Hope will never be lost again
88. There will never be hell or the Lake of fire or eternal damnation
89. Everyone will feel accepted—there will be no outcast or downcast or cast-aways
90. We will witness CHRIST in full control of the environment we are in apart from the influence of satan and the demonic
91. We will have access to all the words ever written for CHRIST about HIS Beauty and Glory
92. We will know all about the life of CHRIST on earth
93. We will know all the good works of the saints done in the Will of the FATHER
94. GOD will reward us—even for a cup of water that we gave a child
95. We will be able to hug and thank CHRIST in person for what HE did for us on the cross
96. We will be able to sit on GOD’s lap and look into HIS EYES and exchange Words of Love
97. We will know the HOLY SPIRIT and HE will be with us for ever
98. We will return with CHRIST to earth to see HIM vanquish evil and destroy the works of evil man after the Great Tribulation
99. We will experience true holiness for the first time ever
100. Now you fill in the blank….

2 Timothy 4:8 (KJ21): Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the LORD, the Righteous JUDGE, shall give me on that Day — and not to me only, but unto all those also who LOVE HIS APPEARING.

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